Saturday, January 12, 2008

Preventable Death Rankings

I found this on a website and thought hey why not!?

Preventable death rankings: Worst is U.S., best is France
Posted: Jan 8th 2008 8:01PM by Brian WhiteFiled under: General Health
The United States is the richest and most powerful country on the planet (although China is making a run for the title). So it.s distressing to hear that the U.S. ranks at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to preventable death rankings for treatable conditions among 19 leading industrialized nations.Raking in the top spots were France, Japan and Australia. So, why is the U.S. so low? Researchers reporting their results in Health Affairs peg the cause at a faulty U.S. health care system. If the health care industry performed like the three countries that rated best in preventable deaths, there would be 101,000 fewer deaths every year in this country. Wow. That's 100 thousand, folks.And this I agree completely with: the researchers also said that these preventable deaths are an important way to gauge the performance of a country's health care system. I wonder what Michael Moore thinks about these rankings?

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