Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dow Sinks 300 Points on Economic Woes

Found this and thought it was very informative...
By Tim Paradis,
Posted: 2008-01-17 16:57:26
Filed Under: Business News
NEW YORK (Jan. 17) -- Stocks skidded lower Thursday after a regional Federal Reserve report showed a sharp decline in manufacturing activity and as investors grew concerned that downgrades of key bond insurers could trigger further trouble with souring debt.

Some of the major indexes were off more than 2 percent, including the Dow Jones industrial average, which at times fell more than 300 points. Stocks opened higher but quickly gave up their gains after the Philadelphia Federal Reserve said its survey of regional manufacturing activity registered a negative 20.9 from a revised reading of negative 1.6 in December. The reading came in well short of what Wall Street had been expecting and underscored the seriousness of the economic concerns that have gripped both Wall Street and Washington in recent weeks. Credit concerns also dogged Wall Street after rating agency Moody's Investors Service placed bond insurer Ambac Assurance Corp. on review for a possible downgrade. That possibility alarmed Wall Street because it would place all bonds insured by Ambac on review as well. Ratings agencies are concerned that bond insurers would be unable to absorb a spike in claims. The latest economic woes emerged as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke , testifying before the House Budget Committee, warned the risks of an economic downturn have grown more pronounced. While his comments largely echoed his previous remarks, he lent support to a notion also backed by the White House on Thursday that an economic stimulus package could help the economy sidestep recession. Thursday's session, with the latest in a series of triple-digit declines in the Dow, showed much of the rockiness that has taken stocks sharply lower in the short time since the year began. Investors fears of a slowing economy again dominated trading. "The Philadelphia Fed just announced dreadful numbers," said John O'Donoghue, co-head of equities at Cowen & Co. He said if you look back at Philadelphia Fed data for similar numbers, it takes you back to the 2001 to 2002 recession. "It's not rocket science -- the economy is slowing dramatically, and it's being reflected in economic reports." In the final half hour of trading, the Dow, which had been up more than 50 points early in the session, fell 286.46, or 2.30 percent, to 12,179.70. Broader stock indicators also lost ground. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 37.00, or 2.69 percent, to 1,336.20, and the Nasdaq composite index declined 41.76, or 1.74 percent, to 2,352.83.

Declining issues outnumbered advancers by about 5 to 1 on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to 1.81 billion shares. Bond prices rose as stocks fell. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, fell to 3.62 percent from 3.68 percent late Wednesday. The dollar was mixed against other major currencies. Light, sweet crude fell 71 cents to settle at $90.13 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange after Bernanke's prediction of slower economic growth this year. Slowing growth could dampen demand for oil. The Philadelphia manufacturing reading caught Wall Street by surprise -- igniting fears that the economy is slowing precipitously and that policymakers might be too late in aiding it. Economists had expected the Philadelphia index would come in at a negative 1.5, according to Dow Jones Newswires. Instead, the negative 20.9 figure was the weakest since October 2001 when the economy was reeling from the shock of the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Jim Herrick, manager of equity trading at Baird & Co., contends that the Philadelphia Fed reading and other recent negative economic reports indicate the economy is likely in a downturn. Other economic reports added to investors' glum mood. The Commerce Department said housing starts plunged 14 percent to 1.01 million in December, marking the weakest pace of home building in more than 16 years. In addition, permits to build new homes dropped 8 percent last month to 1.07 million, the lowest level since 1993. Thomson /IFR had forecast smaller declines for both housing starts and building permits. Still, some economists pointed out that the weakness may prove helpful in the long run, as smaller inventories of homes will take some pressure off the housing sector. In one bright spot, the Labor Department reported jobless claims dropped by 21,000 to 301,000 in the latest week. Claims had been expected to rise by 8,000 to 330,000, according to Thomson/IFR. However, the weekly readings can be volatile. The week's steady flow of news, much of which has dented investor sentiment, has led to a growing chorus of calls for the Fed to cut rates. The Fed's monetary policy committee will meet Jan. 29-30 and is widely expected to lower its Fed funds target from the current 4.25 percent level. Bernanke on Thursday reiterated recent signals that the central bank will reduce rates for a fourth straight time. Some on Wall Street have called for the Fed to intervene sooner with steep rate cuts. The economic concerns come in a week in which some of Wall Street's biggest names have posted huge losses following bad bets on mortgage investments. Financial shares fell sharply Thursday after the reports have made clear that there is also increasing weakness in home equity and other consumer banking operations. The problems with subprime and home equity, along with a badly stalled housing market, are among the chief reasons investors are pinning their hopes on stimulus efforts and cheaper lending rates. Merrill Lynch & Co. on Thursday posted a massive loss that underscored the depth of the economy's credit problems. The world's largest brokerage said it lost $9.91 billion in the fourth quarter, hurt by massive write-downs from investment and trades battered by the ongoing credit crisis. John Thain , the new chief executive at Merrill, said he believes this will be the bulk of the company's write-downs from its subprime mortgage exposure. But he would not speculate about what 2008 might hold in store in other areas. Earlier this week, Merrill secured a new round of capital infusions from foreign funds. Merrill fell $5.46, or 10 percent, to $49.63. Moody's announcement that it will review Ambac came after the insurer booked a $5.4 billion write-down on its credit derivative portfolio during the fourth quarter. Ambac plunged $6.88, or 53 percent, to $6.09, while Ambac rival MBIA Inc. fell $4.44, or 33 percent, to $8.99. First Horizon National Corp. fell $3.24, or 17.2 percent, to $15.65 after Standard & Poor's Ratings Services lowered its rating on the bank's long-term credit. The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 17.31, or 2.47 percent, to 682.60. Overseas, Japan's Nikkei stock average closed up 2.07 percent. Britain's FTSE 100 finished down 0.68 percent, Germany's DAX index fell 0.78 percent, and France's CAC-40 fell 1.31 percent.
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2008-01-17 16:11:32

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Being bad could save you money

I'm a bad credit card customer, and I like it that way
by Tracy Coenen Jan 8th 2008 @ 11:10AM
Filed under: Cards, Debt
Last week at The Consumerist, a Chase customer service representative gave some insight into his job and how the bank views customers. I found out that I'm a bad customer for Chase, and I like it that way. Here's why I'm a bad customer....Apparently only about 5% of credit card customers are considered the "best." You get to be a best customer if you borrow lots of money from the bank for homes and cars, or if you have a high credit card balance and you're paying them a lot of interest.You get to be a "valuable" customer of Chase if you pay your credit card bill on time. Basically, you cause the bank no trouble, so they don't mind keeping you. But you do have to still pay the bank some sort of interest charges.And then there are the "non-profit" customers of Chase. They pay their bill in full every month, so no interest charges are generated. A small fee is earned by the bank each time you use your credit card, but the vast majority of the transaction fees are kept by Visa and Mastercard, so essentially Chase makes no money on your account. The non-profit customer always pays the bill on time, so there's never a late fee and they don't go over their credit limit, so no fees there either.I'm proud to say I'm a non-profit customer for all the banks and credit card companies. They all keep sending me offers, begging me to be their customer anyway. The only way I ever carry a balance is if it's a promotional rate near or at 0% with a very minor fee to transfer a balance for the cheap rate. If there's no deal, I pay my balance off every month, like clockwork. So the banks can hate me if they want, but I will continue to use their money wisely. I'm not interested in paying interest charges. I'd rather take the 0% rate for a year on a cash advance, invest it in the stock market, and pay them back on day 364 with a tidy little profit from investing that's mine to keep!

Preventable Death Rankings

I found this on a website and thought hey why not!?

Preventable death rankings: Worst is U.S., best is France
Posted: Jan 8th 2008 8:01PM by Brian WhiteFiled under: General Health
The United States is the richest and most powerful country on the planet (although China is making a run for the title). So it.s distressing to hear that the U.S. ranks at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to preventable death rankings for treatable conditions among 19 leading industrialized nations.Raking in the top spots were France, Japan and Australia. So, why is the U.S. so low? Researchers reporting their results in Health Affairs peg the cause at a faulty U.S. health care system. If the health care industry performed like the three countries that rated best in preventable deaths, there would be 101,000 fewer deaths every year in this country. Wow. That's 100 thousand, folks.And this I agree completely with: the researchers also said that these preventable deaths are an important way to gauge the performance of a country's health care system. I wonder what Michael Moore thinks about these rankings?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cloned cats glow in the dark?

South Korean scientists have cloned cats by manipulating a fluorescent protein gene, a procedure which could help develop treatments for human genetic diseases, officials said Wednesday. In a side-effect, the cloned cats glow in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet beams. "It marked the first time in the world that cats with RFP genes have been cloned," the ministry said in a statement.